100:00:24,130 --> 00:00:27,110Màu trắng trên nền nắng, Ai che màu nắng dịch - 100:00:24,130 --> 00:00:27,110Màu trắng trên nền nắng, Ai che màu nắng Anh làm thế nào để nói

100:00:24,130 --> 00:00:27,110Màu t

00:00:24,130 --> 00:00:27,110
Màu trắng trên nền nắng, Ai che màu nắng giữa nền trời?

00:00:27,120 --> 00:00:30,020
Thế thời ai cầm nắm, sao buông lời gian dối giữa đời người?

00:00:30,020 --> 00:00:32,560
Đau khổ một thời đã qua 1 đời rồi

00:00:32,560 --> 00:00:35,760
Thời thế ai nắm chắc khi tay che màu trắng giữa đời người.!

00:00:36,120 --> 00:00:38,590
Yên bình thế thái, ai mang ngàn ngan trái thêm 1 đời???

00:00:38,680 --> 00:00:40,620
Người người than vãn ai nghe lời?

00:00:40,620 --> 00:00:43,320
Nhân quyền nhân thế những con người, bị những kẻ bất nhân nuốt trôi rồi.!

00:00:43,490 --> 00:00:45,740
Dân tình lên tiếng khi bị những kẻ bất bình chế độ xui khiến.

00:00:45,740 --> 00:00:47,660
Những người ngồi cao chỉ trỏ... Chết đâu rồi???

00:00:47,660 --> 00:00:49,140
Chính trị ngày nay như 1 bài toán khó.!

00:00:49,140 --> 00:00:49,880
Họ đòi "nhân quyền",

00:00:49,880 --> 00:00:51,960
Họ đòi chế độ thay thế đi những kẻ cao quyền.

00:00:52,130 --> 00:00:52,850
Ai ra đề???

00:00:52,860 --> 00:00:54,340
Sao cứ phải ngồi giải khi hiện thực cuộc sống...

00:00:54,380 --> 00:00:56,420
Mỗi ngày trôi qua không phút ngừng lại sự bộn bề.

00:00:56,420 --> 00:00:58,760
Mỗi ngày ra đường mày không làm gì sai ai bắt mày sao...

00:00:58,760 --> 00:00:59,600
Ai bắt mày sao???

00:00:59,600 --> 00:01:01,780
Newfeed tràn lan. Ai sai, ai sai?. Ai bất lực trước ai?

00:01:01,780 --> 00:01:02,810
Ai bắt mày cào.???

00:01:02,990 --> 00:01:04,100
Từ Bắc Trung Nam mọi miền

00:01:04,100 --> 00:01:06,340
Công băng công chính vắng sự chính trực... Áp đảo nhân quyền.

00:01:06,340 --> 00:01:09,280
Nơi con người lên tiếng họ sẽ bị giam cầm... Mang án tội đồ bôi họ nhọ chính quyền.

00:01:09,280 --> 00:01:12,100
Đừng ép mình sống chuẩn mực... khi xã hội ngày nay xã hội đồng tiền.

00:01:12,120 --> 00:01:15,150
Màu trắng trên nền nắng, Ai che màu nắng giữa nền trời?

00:01:15,180 --> 00:01:18,100
Thế thời ai cầm nắm sao buông lời gian dối giữa đời người.?

00:01:18,100 --> 00:01:20,510
Đau khổ một thời đã qua 1 đời rồi

00:01:20,510 --> 00:01:23,820
Thời thế ai nắm chắc khi tay che màu trắng giữa đời người.!

00:01:24,060 --> 00:01:26,930
Màu trắng trên nền nắng, Ai che màu nắng giữa nền trời?

00:01:27,130 --> 00:01:29,880
Thế thời ai cầm nắm sao buông lời gian dối giữa đời người.?

00:01:29,880 --> 00:01:32,530
Đau khổ một thời đã qua 1 đời rồi

00:01:32,530 --> 00:01:35,880
Thời thế ai nắm chắc khi tay che màu trắng giữa đời người.!

00:01:35,960 --> 00:01:37,460
Mạng người đâu phải là sỏi đá

00:01:37,460 --> 00:01:38,860
Cục cức đâu phải sô cô la

00:01:39,000 --> 00:01:40,520
Tại sao lại đem ra đổi trá

00:01:40,520 --> 00:01:41,970
Bán rẻ mạng người như coca

00:01:41,970 --> 00:01:43,370
Tìm bản chất con người trong vô vọng

00:01:43,370 --> 00:01:44,870
Trong khi cái ác trong họ đang cô đọng

00:01:44,870 --> 00:01:46,440
Trong khi người ra kêu gào tới khô họng

00:01:46,440 --> 00:01:48,120
Cũng chỉ nhận được sự vô vọng

00:01:48,390 --> 00:01:49,650
Biển khơi thì muôn màu...

00:01:49,880 --> 00:01:51,400
Giờ nhuộm lại chỉ 1 màu

00:01:51,400 --> 00:01:54,110
Biển sóng đẹp đẽ giờ đây chỉ còn lại là khổ đau

00:01:54,460 --> 00:01:57,120
Tạo điều kiện cho sâu làm tổ ở trong nhà

00:01:57,430 --> 00:02:00,140
Cuối cùng thì họ cũng nhận kết quả là khổ đau thôi mà.

00:02:00,450 --> 00:02:02,190
Tự hỏi tìm đâu công lý giữa đời này?

00:02:02,190 --> 00:02:05,040
Ở đời nếu có quả báo thì họ phải sống sống bao lâu để nhận lại?

00:02:05,040 --> 00:02:07,480
Nhân tính con người cũng vì danh lợi mà dần phai.

00:02:07,480 --> 00:02:08,970
Trăng treo ngọn gió soi bóng cò

00:02:08,970 --> 00:02:10,470
Mọi thứ lập lòe không sáng tỏ,

00:02:10,470 --> 00:02:11,970
Họ xem mạng người là rác cỏ,

00:02:11,970 --> 00:02:14,050
Ôi... Con người giết nhau vì dục vọng quá bé nhỏ.

00:02:14,200 --> 00:02:15,730
Tìm đâu công lý giữa đời này???

00:02:15,730 --> 00:02:17,250
Vì ai dân oán biết kêu ai???

00:02:17,250 --> 00:02:18,710
Biển đảo quê hương, nơi mảnh đất chôn nhau.

00:02:18,710 --> 00:02:20,790
Ai bán đi đâu, tên nó nơi đâu trên bản đồ.???

00:02:20,930 --> 00:02:23,980
Hay chỉ còn những dòng lịch sử chép lại, cứ vậy mà khép lại quá khứ???

00:02:23,990 --> 00:02:24,160

00:02:24,160 --> 00:02:26,980
Màu trắng trên nền nắng, Ai che màu nắng giữa nền trời?

00:02:26,980 --> 00:02:30,100
Thế thời ai cầm nắm sao buông lời gian dối giữa đời người.?

00:02:30,100 --> 00:02:32,520
Đau khổ một thời đã qua 1 đời rồi

00:02:32,520 --> 00:02:35,780
Thời thế ai nắm chắc khi tay che màu trắng giữa đời người.!
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
100:00:24.130--> 00:00:27.110White on the sunny, sunny sky background color shading Anyone?200:00:27.120--> 00:00:30.020World forecast one ruling, why let go of the deceptive words between human life?300:00:30.020--> 00:00:32.560Suffering a lifetime has passed, and then400:00:32.560--> 00:00:35.760World who hold when the hand white veil between life.!500:00:36.120--> 00:00:07 38.590World peace, who brought thousands of geese left a lifetime???600:00:38.680--> 00:00:40.620The people who listen to whining?700:00:40.620--> 00:00:43.320Human rights workers that the people, being real human guys swallow float okay.!800:40:43.490--> 00:00:45.740People speak up when the guys resented inducing mode.900:00:45.740--> 00:00:47.660Those who sit high point ... Where is dead???1000:00:47.660--> 00:00:49.140Today's politics as a difficult problem.1100:00:49.140--> 00:00:49.880They demanded "human rights",1200:00:-49.880-> 00:00:51.960They insist the replacement mode high power guys.1300:00:-52.130-> 00:00:52.850Who's out???1400:00:52.860--> 00:00:54.340Must sit the tournament when the real life ...1500:00:-54.380-> 00:00:56.420Each passing day doesn't stop the minute busy.1600:00:56.420--> 00:00:58.760Every day out on the street you don't do anything wrong who's getting what.1700:00:58.760--> 00:00:59.600Anyone catch you???1800:00:59.600--> 00:01:01.780Rampant Newfeed. Who's wrong, who's wrong?. One helpless before?1900:01:01.780--> 00:01:02.810Catch the scratch you.???2000:01:02.990--> 00:01:04.100From North Central South all regions2100:04:04.100--> 00:01:06.340The ice public works absent integrity ... Overwhelming human rights.2200:01:06.340--> 00:01:09.280Where people speak up they will be imprisoned ... Bring the project sinner obliterate them alleged the Government.2300:01:09.280--> 00:01:12.100Don't squeeze yourself living standards ... when today's society the society money.2400:01:12.120--> 00:01:15.150White on the sunny, sunny sky background color shading Anyone?2500:01:15.180--> 00:01:18.100World forecast one grasp why let go of the deceptive words between life.?2600:1: 18.100--> 00:01:20.510Suffering a lifetime has passed, and then2700:01:20.510--> 00:01:23.820World who hold when the hand white veil between life.!2800:01:24.060--> 00:01:26.930White on the sunny, sunny sky background color shading Anyone?2900:1: 27.130--> 00:01:29.880World forecast one grasp why let go of the deceptive words between life.?3000:01:29.880--> 00:01:32.530Suffering a lifetime has passed, and then3100:01:32.530--> 00:01:35.880World who hold when the hand white veil between life.!3200:01:35.960--> 00:01:37.460The network is not dried3300:01:37.460--> 00:01:38.860Chocolate is not the governing Bureau3400:1: 39.000--> 00:01:40.520Why bring out disguised change3500:1: 40.520--> 00:01:41.970Sale cheap life as coca3600:01:41.970--> 00:01:43.370Find human nature in vain3700:01:43.370--> 00:01:44.870While the evil in them are concentrated3800:1: 44.870--> 00:01:46.440While people out cry to dry throat3900:1: 46.440--> 00:01:48.120Also just received the hopeless4000:1: 48.390--> 00:01:49.650The sea, the colourful ...4100:01:49.880--> 00:01:51.400Now only 1 color dyed4200:01:51.400--> 00:01:54.110The beautiful waves sea now only remains is the suffering4300:01:54.460--> 00:01:57.120Facilitate deep nesting in the House4400:01:57.430--> 00:02:00.140Finally, they also receive the result is suffering.4500:02:00.450--> 00:02:02.190Wondering where to find justice between this life?4600:02:02.190--> 00:01:05.040In life if bitten, they must live life how long to get back?4700:01:05.040--> 00:02:07.480Human humans well because the contacts that gradually fade.4800:02:07.480--> 00:02:08.970The wind hung Moon reflected Stork4900:02:08.970--> 00:02:10.470Everything is flashing do not shed light,5000:02:10.470--> 00:02:11.970They see life is rubbish, grass5100:02:11.970--> 00:02:14.050Oh ... People kill each other because the desire is too small.5200:05:14.200--> 00:02:15.730Where to find justice between this life???5300:02:15.730--> 00:02:17.250Because of the resentment people know who called for who???5400:02:17.250--> 00:02:18.710The Sea Island home town, where the piece of land to bury each other.5500:02:18.710--> 00:02:20.790Who sells where to go, where to place its name on the map.???5600:02:20.930--> 00:02:23.980Or only the historic line, just so that closing the past???5700:02:23.990--> 00:02:24.160Huh???5800:02:24.160--> 00:02:26.980White on the sunny, sunny sky background color shading Anyone?5900:02:26.980--> 00:02:30.100World forecast one grasp why let go of the deceptive words between life.?6000:02:30.100--> 00:02:32.520Suffering a lifetime has passed, and then6100:02:32.520--> 00:02:35.780World who hold when the hand white veil between life.!
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
00: 00: 24.130 -> 00: 00: 27.110
on the sunny White, Who covers the sky the color of sunshine between? 2 00: 00: 27.120 -> 00: 00: 30.020 So when someone grasped, so let deceitful words between human life? 3 00: 00: 30.020 -> 00: 00: 32.560 suffering a bygone era one life then 4 00: 00: 32.560 -> 00: 00: 35.760 time that anyone knowing when white hand covering between life.! 5 00: 00: 36.120 -> 00: 00: 38.590 Status Peaceful world, who brought thousands more left ngan life ??? 1 6 00: 00: 38.680 -> 00: 00: 40.620 the people who listen to whining? 7 00: 00: 40.620 -> 00: 00: 43.320 on human rights that the human person, any human being who swallow it.! 8 00: 00: 43.490 - -> 00: 00: 45.740 people love to voice those grievances being induced mode. 9 00: 00: 45.740 -> 00: 00: 47.660 people who sit high pointing ... where's Dead ?? ? 10 00: 00: 47.660 -> 00: 00: 49.140 Politics today as one difficult problem.! 11 00: 00: 49.140 -> 00: 00: 49,880 They demanded "human rights", 12 00: 00: 49,880 -> 00: 00: 51.960 They are seeking alternative modes of high guys right away. 13 00: 00: 52.130 -> 00: 00: 52.850 Who the problem ??? 14 00: 00: 52.860 - -> 00: 00: 54.340 Why would sit when the reality of life ... 15 00: 00: 54.380 -> 00: 00: 56.420 minutes each passing day not stop the chaos. 16 00:00 : 56.420 -> 00: 00: 58.760 Every day that you do not do anything wrong path who arrested you why ... 17 00: 00: 58.760 -> 00: 00: 59.600 who arrested you why ??? 18 00: 00: 59.600 -> 00: 01: 01.780 Newfeed rampant. Who is wrong, who is wrong ?. Who powerless against whom? 19 00: 01: 01.780 -> 00: 01: 02.810 Who arrested you rake. ??? 20 00: 01: 02.990 -> 00: 01: 04.100 from all parts of North Central South 21 00 : 01: 04.100 -> 00: 01: 06.340 public public ice wilderness integrity ... Overwhelming human rights. 22 00: 01: 06.340 -> 00: 01: 09.280 Where people speak they will be sentence detention ... Bring sinners because they miss the authorities. 23 00: 01: 09.280 -> 00: 01: 12,100 Do not force yourself to live ... when social norms of social currency today. 24 00 : 01: 12.120 -> 00: 01: 15.150 on the sunny white, who covers the sky the color of sunshine between? 25 00: 01: 15.180 -> 00: 01: 18.100 so let the stars who hold deceitful words between life.? 26 00: 01: 18.100 -> 00: 01: 20.510 suffering a bygone era 1 life and 27 00: 01: 20.510 -> 00: 01: 23.820 time that anyone knowing the hand covering white mid-life.! 28 00: 01: 24.060 -> 00: 01: 26.930 on the sunny white, who covers the sky the color of sunshine between? 29 00: 01: 27.130 -> 00: 01: 29.880 World why let someone hold the deceitful words between human life.? 30 00: 01: 29.880 -> 00: 01: 32.530 suffering a bygone era one life and 31 00: 01: 32.530 -> 00:01: 35.880 the time that anyone knowing the white hand covering between life.! 32 00: 01: 35.960 -> 00: 01: 37.460 Network gravel person'm not 33 00: 01: 37.460 -> 00:01: 38.860 Department chocolate terminals have 34 00: 01: 39,000 -> 00: 01: 40.520 Why bring that change lies 35 00: 01: 40.520 -> 00: 01: 41.970 Buy cheapest network as coca 36 00: 01: 41.970 -> 00: 01: 43.370 Search human nature in vain 37 00: 01: 43.370 -> 00: 01: 44.870 while evil in them is condensed 38 00: 01: 44.870 -> 00: 01: 46.440 while screaming out to dry throat 39 00: 01: 46.440 -> 00: 01: 48.120 also just received the hopeless 40 00: 01: 48.390 -> 00:01 : 49.650 Seas, the colorful ... 41 00: 01: 49,880 -> 00: 01: 51.400 now only one color dyed 42 00: 01: 51.400 -> 00: 01: 54.110 now Sea beautiful waves the rest are suffering just 43 00: 01: 54.460 -> 00: 01: 57.120 Facilitating nest deep in the house 44 00: 01: 57.430 -> 00: 02: 00.140 Finally, they also receive the result is suffering after all. 45 00: 02: 00.450 -> 00: 02: 02.190 Wondering where to find justice between this life? 46 00: 02: 02.190 -> 00: 02: 05.040 In life, if any retribution is how long they have to live life to take back? 47 00: 02: 05.040 -> 00: 02: 07.480 human personality but also because fame fade. 48 00: 02: 07.480 -> 00: 02: 08.970 Moon hanging heron silhouetted wind 49 00: 02: 08.970 -> 00: 02: 10.470 Everything flickering not clear, 50 00: 02: 10.470 -> 00: 02: 11,970 They see human life grass is rubbish, 51 00: 02: 11,970 -> 00: 02: 14.050 Oh ... people kill each other for too little desire. 52 00: 02: 14,200 -> 00: 02: 15.730 Find where public this life of between ??? 53 00: 02: 15.730 -> 00: 02: 17.250 Because the people who cried plaintively anyone know ??? 54 00: 02: 17.250 -> 00: 02: 18,710 Sea island homeland, where several burial plots. 55 00: 02: 18,710 -> 00: 02: 20.790 Who sell where to go, where its name on the map. ??? 56 00: 02: 20.930 -> 00: 02: 23.980 or only the documented history, which closed just past that ??? 57 00: 02: 23.990 -> 00: 02: 24.160 Huh ??? 58 00: 02: 24.160 -> 00:02 : 26.980 on the sunny white, who covers the sky the color of sunshine between? 59 00: 02: 26.980 -> 00: 02: 30,100 the star of let anyone hold between life deceitful words.? 60 00:02: 30,100 -> 00: 02: 32.520 suffering a life time is over 1 and 61 00: 02: 32.520 -> 00: 02: 35.780 time that anyone knowing the white hand covering between life.!

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