Hãy báo cho chúng tôi ngay khi bạn sẵn sàng cho chuyến hàng kế tiếp. Hãy báo giá hôm nay của MgCl2 bột. Chúng tôi muốn biết lịch tàu sớm nhất cho chuyến hàng MgCl2 bột kế tiếp. Mong hồi âm của bạn
Please tell us immediately when you are ready for the next shipment. Please quote the price today of MgCl2 powder. We want to know the earliest vessel for shipment next powder MgCl2.Looking forward to your feedback
Please notify us as soon as you get ready for the next shipment. Please quote today of MgCl2 powder. We want to know the train schedule for shipment early next MgCl2 powder. Looking forward to your reply