Tôi muốn giới thiệu Ms Hoang Lam Trang from LPSD. She đồng hành cùng tôi trong vị trí Legal Assitant tại LPSD. Cô ấy làm việc rất tâm huyết và chăm chỉ. You can contact her through this email: tranglamlpsd@gmail.com
I would recommend Ms Hoang Lam from LPSD Page. She accompany me in the position of Legal Assitant at LPSD. She is very enthusiastic and working hard. You can contact her through this email: tranglamlpsd@gmail.com
I would recommend Ms Hoang Lam Trang from LPSD. She accompanies me in the Legal Assistant position at LPSD. She worked very dedicated and hardworking. You can contact her Do this through email: tranglamlpsd@gmail.com