10 winter with disease and how to preventColds, sore throats or joint pain is the common ailment many people stuck in the winter.1. ColdYou can prevent colds by washing hands regularly. This will help kill germs in your hands after contact with the surface of some items such as switches and door handles.In addition, cleaning the House and washed the kind family widgets such as cups, bowls of chopsticks is very important, especially when someone in the family is ill.2. Acute pharyngitisSore throats are common disease in winter, and most were caused by viral infection. Some evidence indicates that the change in temperature, such as when you go from a cozy room out cold outdoors, can cause sore throats.A quick and easy to implement to treat sore throat gargle with salt water is warm. Let's mix a spoonful of salt in a cup of warm water and gargle daily regularity, you will see results.3. Asthma, asthmaThe cold weather is cause mainly cause the symptoms of asthma, asthma like shortness of breath. People with asthma, especially hen must heed stay healthy in the winter.In the, you should stay in the House the better. If you have to go out, make a Riding Hood scarf over nose and mouth to keep warm.4. the NorovirusNorovirus is the name of a group of viruses that commonly cause intestinal inflammation due to virus outbreaks. The symptoms usually start suddenly within 12-48 hours after exposure to infected with norovirus. Most people will recover within one or two days and the disease has no long-term effects to health, although when sick, sick people can dehydrate and hospitalized. This disease may experience all year round but is more common in the winter and in places such as hotels or schools. Small children and the elderly are at risk of this disease.When patients appear symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, the first is important to supplement lots of water to prevent dehydration.5. Joint painMany arthritis patients said, their joints becoming painful than in the winter. In this case, the regular exercise each day will be good for your health.6. HypothermiaThose prone to hypothermia as older people, young children and those who have the habit of drinking alcohol. When suffering from hypothermia, patients feel tired, vague minded and appears the shudder not in control. To not feel the cold more, their skin was green re, pupils dilate and no longer awake again.According to experts, should find the timely interventions in the early stages of hypothermia, before the symptoms become more severe. The best way to help those suffering from hypothermia is wrapped a blanket around the body until they warm up again.7. Heart attackCommon heart disease in winter. It may be due to the cold weather raises blood pressure and stress on the heart. The heart must work harder to keep the body warm.In this case, you should maintain a room temperature of about 21 degrees C, always keep your body warm when you go to bed or when out, hat, hood and wear gloves.8. FrostbiteThe region on the body susceptible to frostbite, especially when exposed to cold air is the nose, ears, cheeks, Chin, fingers, toes. When suffering from frostbite, the skin and the tissue under the skin prone to damage, in some cases it can cause gangrene.According to Dr. Jeffrey Sankoff in the health center of Denver (USA), the most common symptom of the disease is the feeling of pain and pale skin. When the complete loss of sensation and numbness pain no longer region, the disease has moved to serious levels.When suffering from frostbite, should not rub on the freeze by the like will increase the level of harm. Also, not to the freeze in direct contact with the heat as hot water by hot water can burn the skin and the tissue has been damaged.Instead, soak the freeze in water in temperature often. So go visit when the freeze began the virus or switch to black.How to prevent frostbite is still the best dressed warm enough when it is cold outside.9. Dry skinDry skin is common and illnesses become worse in the winter, when the humidity of the environment.Therefore, the skin moisturizing is essential. The best time to obliterate moisturizers up skin after bathing when the skin is still moist and obliterate more again when going to sleep. In addition, you should remember a bath of warm water instead of hot water. By water too hot will cause dry skin and cause itching of the skin.10. FluInfluenza is a disease many people encounter, especially those aged 65 and older and people with diabetes, kidney.The best way to prevent influenza is to use vaccines and flu Defense (or nasal sprays for children from 2 to 18 years).
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