vâng đừng lo tôi sẽ tính phí hợp lý nhất cho bạn khoảng 5- 15 đô la, vì tôi còn phải xem xét xem hình ảnh bạn yêu cầu loại bỏ gì và tùy theo mức độ của nó để báo giá bạn cụ thể
Yes, don't worry, I will charge you the most reasonable fee of about 5-15 dollars, because I still have to consider what image you request to be removed and, depending on its extent, give you a specific quote.
Yes, don't worry, I will charge you the most reasonable fee of approximately $5-15, as I also need to consider which images you need to delete and provide you with a specific quote based on their severity
Don't worry, I will charge you the most reasonable fee, about $5 to $15, because I also need to consider the pictures you want to delete and estimate your specific price according to their level.