- Lớp 1a: Mặt bê tông xi măng. Lớp 1a là lớp mặt sân bê tông xi măng trong khuôn viên nhà máy bắt gặp tại một số hố khoan khảo sát như HK2, HK4, HK6, HK7, HK8, HK9, HK10, HK12, H1, H2, H3.
-The class 1a: cement concrete Surface.Class 1a is the surface layer of concrete in the cement factory caught in some boreholes survey as HK2, S4, HK8 HK9 HK6 HK7,,,, HK10, HK12, H1, H2, H3.
- 1A: concrete surface cement.1A surface layer is airport cement concrete in the mold factory to catch a hole drilled in some of the investigated hK2 HK4 pistols, like, hK6, hK7, HK8, HK9, hK10, HK12, H1, H2, h3.