tôi chịu ảnh hưởng rất lớn từ gia đình tôi. Bố tôi là người thẳng thắn và mẹ tôi là người rất tâm lý. Tôi rất biết ơn cha mẹ tôi, dù gia đình tôi không giàu, nhưng tôi thấy rất hạnh phúc.
I suffered from my family. My dad was the candor and my mother is a very psychological. I am very grateful to my parents, although my family is not rich, but I found it very happy.
I have a huge influence from my family. My father is a straightforward person and my mother who is very psychological. I am very grateful to my parents, though my family was not rich, but I feel very happy.