Vì tôi yếu đuối . Muôn đời tôi vẫn yếu đuối . tôi che hết đi bằng những gượng cười .... Chẳng để ai nhận ra rằng tôi yếu đuối . Muôn đời tôi vẫn yếu đuối . bạn không phải tôi đâu thể hiểu được Nếu như không mạnh mẽ tôi biết phải thế nào !?
Because I am weak. Ever I still weak. I cover it all with very compelling ... laughter.Don't let anyone realize that I am weak. Ever I still weak. you are not I can't understand If not strong I know how right!?
Because I am weak. I'm still weak Ages. I cover the smile is gone by .... Had someone realized that I was weak. I was weak Ages. Where you're not able to understand the powerful Without me what to do!?