- Chúng tôi rất vinh hạnh nếu được chọn làm nhà cung cấp hóa chất hồ bơi cho Dessole Sailing Bay Beach Resort. Chúng tôi sẵn sàng tư vấn và hỗ trợ Qúy Resort khi hồ bơi có sự cố xảy ra (hoàn toàn miễn phí).
-We are very happy if is chosen as the pool chemical supplier for Dessole Sailing Bay Beach Resort. We are ready to advise and assist You Resort when the pool have an issue (it's free).
- We are honored to be selected as the supplier of swimming pool chemicals for Dessole Sailing Bay Beach Resort. We are ready to advise and support Quarter Resort pool when the incident occurred (it's free).