Ngày giao hàng của lô hàng 15-Dec-Air sẽ được chuyển đến 16-Dec-Air. Trong P.O tôi đã gửi tới bạn, có nhiều items có ngày giao hàng là 15-Dec-Air, Nếu nó là oke, xin hãy kết hợp nó với lô hàng 16-Dec-Air
On delivery of the shipment, 15-Dec-Air will be moved to 16-Dec-Air.In the p.o I have sent to you, containing many items have delivery date is 15-Dec-Air,If it is oke, please combine it with shipments of 16-Dec-Air
Delivery date of the shipment of 15-Dec-Air will be transferred to 16-Dec-Air. In my PO was sent to you, there are many items with delivery date of 15-Dec-Air, If it was oke, please combine it with shipments of 16-Dec-Air