1.1. Bên A cho phép Bên B đậu xe taxi đón khách tại khu vực đậu xe quy định của Cao Ốc Central Plaza / Khách sạn Sofitel Saigon Plaza và đảm bảo trật tự an ninh cho Bên A khi phục vụ khách.
1.1. Party A Party B permit parking taxi pickup at the parking area of the Central Plaza Building regulations/Sofitel Saigon Plaza and ensure security in order for A Party when available.
1.1. Party A Party B allows taxi pickup parked at the parking area of the Building regulations Central Plaza / Sofitel Saigon Plaza and ensure order and security to Party A when serving guests.
1.1. Ensure safety in a parking area allows guests in the car parking regulations B Central Plaza Hotel Sofitel Saigon / PAN square order, when a customer in service.