Những cặp đôi yêu nhau sâu đậm hoặc đã gắn bó với nhau một thời gian dài thường ngoại hình sở hữu nhiều nét tương đồng. Điều này có thể lý giải là bởi mọi người có xu hướng tìm kiếm người yêu đúng theo “gu” giống mình.
The couple loved each other deeply, or was sticking together a long period often owned many appearance similarity. This can be handled is by people tend to search for the right lover as "gu" like himself.
The couple love each other deeply intertwined or a long time often looks owns many similarities. This can be explained by people tend to search for true lovers By "liking" their seed.
A loved one or a person who has been together for a long time often has many of the same characteristics. This can be explained because people tend to look in the "taste" love is like me.