dường như tôi đang làm bạn bực mình? Lý do: qua thời gian, chúng ta thấy thực sự cần nhau, tin tưởng lẫn nhau thì quyết định còn giây phút này, tôi đang rất nhớ bạn tôi đang sửa bài luận cho một Nghiên cứu sinh
It seems like I'm making you angry?Reason: over time, we see really need each other, trust each other, then decidealso at this moment, I'm very miss youI'm editing this essay for a research student
apparently I'm getting on your nerves? The reason: over time, we see really need each other, trust each other, the decision was this moment, I am really miss you I was repairing a research essay born