Hey bạn, mỗi lần tôi hỏi bạn về: vì sao bạn biến mất là bạn tiếp tục biến mất, chẳng trả lời tôi? Khá là tò mò về lý do, vì một người nào đó, đúng không? Kể tôi nghe sự thật, không bận tâm đâu
Hey you, every time I ask you: why did you disappear as you continue to disappear, don't answer me? Quite curious about the reason, because someone, right? Tell me the truth, don't worry
Hey you, every time I ask you about: why you disappear as you continue to disappear, do not answer me? Quite curious about why, because someone, right? Tell me the truth, do not bother what
Hey, you, every time I ask you: why do you disappear friends continue to disappear, do not answer my question? Curious why, because of a person, right? Tell me I don't really care