Bạn có thể cho tôi biết Unit nào không được hỗ trợ và Unit nào được hỗ trợ không, và những unit không được hỗ trợ thì không cần gởi cho chúng tôi vì Hải quan VN không chấp nhận hàng đã cũ.
Can you tell me the Unit would not be supported and the Unit would be don't support, and the unit is not supported, no need to send it to us because of customs goods not accepted old PH.
You can tell me what unit is not supported and not supported Unit, and the unit is not supported, it does not need to send us because Customs VN does not accept old customers.
You can tell me which unit, which unit does not support does not support and does not support the unit, does not need to send to us, because the VN custom does not accept the old goods.