Có đến 44 ý kiến khách hàng (34% tổng số ý kiến) cho rằng sản phẩm vay Mua ô tô của VPBank có lãi suất/phí cao hơn so với các ngân hàng khác như : Vietcombank, HDBank, ACBank, MB, TPBank, VIB.
There are 44 comments to customers (34% of the total number of comments) for that car loan products of interest/fees tall VPBank than other banks like Vietcombank, HDBank, ACBank, MB, TPBank, VIB.
As many as 44 customer reviews (34% of opinions) for that product's VP Automotive Loan interest rate / high fee than other banks such as Vietcombank, HD Bank, ACBank, MB, Tien Phong Bank, VIB.