The capacitor is a type of passive electronic components created by the two conductive surfaces separated by a dielectric. When there is a voltage difference at the surface, surface 2 mawth appear electric charges of the same amount of power but left trailing. The area of electric charge on a 2 's tuh surface create hoarding energy the electric field of the capacitor. When the voltage on the 2 disparity maetj surface is alternating, the accumulated electric charge phase delay versus voltage, creating resistance of the capacitor in the circuit of alternating. In terms of energy storage capacitor is somewhat similar to the batteries. Although our work is completely different, but they are all in the same store electrical energy. Batteries have 2 poles, inside happens chemical reaction to generate electrons in this extreme and electrons to the extreme left. The capacitor then more simply, it is not possible to generate electron-it just archive them. The capacitor has the ability to load and unload quickly. This is an advantage of it than with batteries.5. Diode 1N40071N4007 diode is a type of diode rectifier common silicon 1A thuongf used in the AC adapter for the conventional appliances. Diode 1N4007 withstand voltage up to 1000V. Maximum electric current through each diode 1N4007 is 1A, if higher currents will cause heat and burning the diode.B. THE FUNCTION OF EACH BLOCK1. the source Block-The source Blocks include:+ IC LM2576T-5.0+ Transistor L7805+ Capacitor 1000μF and 100μF+ Diode 1N4007+ Chokes 100μH-Use 12V DC source provides active LM555, IC put 12V source on low voltage circuit is designed to create stable 5V source provided for the remaining blocks to work.2. create Blocks aroundThe source block include:+ IC LM555+ 100kΩ resistor+ 220 Ω resistor+ Capacitor 100μF+ Ceramic Capacitors 104+ SwitchesTiming IC 555 LM is the integrated circuit Analog-Digital input that is sortable table of the analog signal and digital signal is output. LM555 timing circuit is very wide range of applications in practice, especially in the control because if combined with other components such as resistors and capacitors, it can perform a variety of functions such as: time, create standard impulse, creating a signal House, or control the power semiconductor components such as : the transistor, Triac, CSR ...The receiving circuit source on number 8 feet past LM555 to activity and output through the legs of 3, signal out signal is around 100Hz square.
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