Chu Văn An được cử làm quan Quốc Tử giám Tư nghiệp (hiệu trưởng) và thầy dạy trực tiếp của các hoàng tử. Năm 1370 ông mất, được vua Trần Nghệ Tông cho thờ ở Văn Miếu bên cạnh Khổng Tử.
Chu van An was made the National Investment Agency (the principal) and the direct teacher of the Prince. In 1370 he lost, was King Trần Nghệ Tông for worship in the Temple of literature next to Confucius.
Chu Van An was appointed the chief Tu Quoc Tu Industry (principal) and direct teacher of the princes. He died in 1370, was King Tran Nghe Tong to worship at the Temple of Literature next to Confucius.