[Come with our volunteer blood donation:Location: 1st floor of thang Long University Library. Time: October 5, 2012-Morning: 8 h 30-11 h 30-Dimensions: 13 h 30-16 h 30]Dear friends, "If bird, leaf The bird must sing, the leaves must be green Life is getting his own man for. "Did you ever live with life, with what your gifts yet? Given life, existence, the happiness, the fun, family, friends, or even the sadness is also a significant gift to cherish. And you have to go to more meaningful life? If you have a desire to seek a solution to the question. Let us create the answer. Please come to the blood donation due SVTN thang Long University team in collaboration with the Institute of Hematology of the central blood transfusion organization, responded to the call of The Hanoi delegation. Let's do the work that little meaningful help to everyone and for yourself. Blood is an indispensable for human life. on average each person's blood volume is about 70ml/1 kg. The blood not only makes the task of helping the body metabolism, blood still guards the body against disease-causing germs. We can not survive without blood. You know, a year all over the country have hundreds of thousands of sick people need blood to aid and treatment. Meanwhile, the ratio of population to go donate blood in recent years only 0.78% which needs a minimum of 2% of the population give blood. For example, as of 2010, the country collected 675,438 units of blood, but the amount of blood she just met 39% of demand. So is up to 61% of the patients had no blood to aid and treatment. Let us think of the people. They can be a poor kids with cancer, a student suffered a traffic accident while also aspiring dream in front, be a father in a family pillar, can a mother with children need care hand poetry, ... know how fate , know how. Just a little gesture we have could help them overcome difficulties, overcome misfortune. Jerks get the living from the dead, we are completely capable of making miracles there. Just you have qualified health, debt towards the community.* Conditions of joins-Everyone from 18-55 years old for women, 18-60 years old for men, has brought a full identity paper or other identification.-> 45 kg in weight. With people who have blood safety or > 50 kg weight, can donate blood/350 ml.-With people donate blood again to make sure the time period how blood donation times before a minimum of 84 days.-Not infected or do not have the HIV infection behavior and infectious disease through blood transfusions.-Time between two blood donation a minimum of 84 days.-The amount of blood for no more than 1/10 of the amount of blood to the body.-People who are infected with the hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C, sexually transmitted diseases blood...; women who are pregnant, have a business, regulate menstruation, are breastfeeding not donate blood.-In addition to each particular case such as medication or surgery medium will be consulting both doctors.* Benefits when taking blood-Blood donor screening and health advice are free.-Be reimbursed free blood (in the case of people who donate blood may not need blood transfusions).-Certification of voluntary blood donation Ban directed blood donation for the city. In addition to the value of honor, certificate of donation valuable blood blood blood, the amount of reimbursement is reimbursement of the maximum amount of blood by again who donate blood has been donated. This certificate has value in hospitals, public health institutions across the country and have lifelong blood donor value.-Fostering a light meal on the spot, awarded a gift, souvenir, partial support of travel expenses.-In addition, the blood donor also were involved in the organizations, meaningful activities for people who donate blood ...* Note before and after blood donation-The night before on blood donation is not officially too late, should eat lightly and not drinking beer.-In 2-3 days after donating blood should a soothing activity, rest more than usual, to avoid strenuous activities, the fighting game that requires a lot of stamina: kick the ball, free weights, don't climb high ... not officially too late, do not drink beer rưọu.-If you see the body slightly tired, should rest, avoid too much activity. So calm and quiet the mind, this is just a normal physiological reaction of body expressions are in the process of restoration and regeneration of blood. If peace of mind, spiritual comfort and good rest then this expression will quickly pass away. -Continue to preserve health and join donate blood again. The blood of people who donate blood again will have quality and safety for the patient than a lot of blood. For more information please contact us via 01676478046 or via mail: SDT linhtamtre@gmail.com See you