Capacitor is a type of passivity created by two conductive surfaces separated by a dielectric. When a potential difference in the surface 2, at the surface will appear mawth same electric charge but opposite amount.
The integration of the charge on the second tuh surface creates energy storage capacity of the capacitor electric field . When the voltage difference on the two surfaces is alternating maetj, charge accumulation slowed relative to the voltage phase to make up the impedance of the capacitor in an AC circuit.
In terms of energy storage, capacitor section similar to the battery. Although their behavior is completely different, but they are the same electrical energy storage. Battery has 2 poles, inside the chemical reaction to generate electrons in this pole to pole and transfer the remaining electrons. Capacitors are more simple, it can not generate electrons - it only stores them. Capacitors capable of rapid charging and discharging. This is one of its advantages compared to the battery.
5. Diodes 1N4007
1N4007 diode is a silicon diode rectifier 1A thuongf popular used in the AC adapter for common household appliances. Diode 1N4007 withstand maximum voltages up to 1000V. Maximum current per diode 1N4007 is 1A, if higher currents diode overheating and fires.
1. Power Module
- Power Module include:
+ IC LM2576T-5.0
+ Transistor L7805
+ and 100μF 1000μF Capacitors
+ Go diode 1N4007
+ 100μH Choke
- 1 pm Use 12V power supply IC LM555 operation, and provides sources 12V to low voltage circuits are designed to create stable 5V power supply for the remaining blocks to operate.
2. Block pulse generator
Power Module include:
+ IC LM555
+ Potentiometer 100kΩ
220Ω resistor +
+ 100μF Capacitors
Ceramic Capacitors + 104
+ Switches
Circuit LM 555 timer integrated circuit Analog - Digital Therefore the signal input analog and digital signals are output. LM555 timer IC is very broad application in practice sheet, especially in control because if combined with components such as resistors and capacitors, it can perform many functions such as timing, standard pulse generator, signal generator size, or control the power semiconductor components such as transistors, CSR, Triac ...
LM555 circuit receives input through the 8 foot to operate and outputs via pins No. 3, the signal is 100Hz signal square pulse.
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