tháo gỡ cửa sổ hiện hữu cái khung nhôm kính sơn tĩnh điện hệ 1000 cửa đi phía sau corridor cửa sổ lùa lấy sáng lá chớp vật tư phụ làm mới vách giữa văn phòng vào phòng QC
remove existing windowthealuminum frame glass electrostatic 1000 Systemthe door behind the corridorsliding window exposure leaves the blinkextra materialsrefresh the precipice between offices in QC
remove existing window the powder coated aluminum frame system 1000 corridor door rear sliding window shutters and light leaf auxiliary materials refreshed room walls between offices in QC
The existence of a deleted windowthisAluminum frame glass electrostatic paint system 1000The corridor behind the door.Light leaf round window.Funded womanBetween the new office QC room wall