số linh đá dọc theo chiều dài trên một dãy, với....., bố trí dàn lạnh ở giữa và các linh đá được bố trí thành hai dãy đối xứng. vậy số linh đá trên 1 dãy là ....
The number of stones along the length in one row, with ....., the indoor unit is arranged in the middle and the stones are arranged in two symmetrical rows. So the number of spiritual stones in a row is ....
The number of spiritual stones arranged along the length of a sequence, and... There is a cold storage in the middle, with stones arranged in two symmetrical arrays. So the stones on a block are...
The number of stones along a series of lengths, with. ..., the cooler is arranged in the middle, and the gravel is arranged in two symmetrical sequences. So the number of stones in a series is. ...