Hệ thống có 4 Hub quang tại 4 chi nhánh, được kết nối với HE bằng vòng cáp 48 core hiện có, mỗi Hub sẽ có 6 core theo 2 hướng đi vật lý đến Hub. 1 Hub quang được lắp đặt ngay tại HE
The system has 4 optical Hub at 4 branch, is connected by the cable round the HE 48 core there, each Hub will have 6 core according 2 the physical path to the Hub. 1 optical Hub is installed right in the HE
Optical system 4 Hub at 4 branches and is connected to 48 core cable HE by existing within each Hub will have 6 cores under 2 physical direction to the Hub. 1 Optical Hub installed at HE