Còn câu hỏi liệu bệnh Alzheimer gây ra trầm cảm hay trầm cảm gây ra Alzheimer đến nay vẫn chưa khẳng định được , chỉ biết rằng bệnh Alzheimer có thể biểu hiện sớm bởi triệu chứng trầm cảm
Also the question whether Alzheimer's disease causes depression or depression cause Alzheimer's yet confirmed, just know that Alzheimer's disease may manifest soon by symptoms of depression
As for the question of whether Alzheimer's causes depression or depression causes Alzheimer's has yet to be confirmed, just know that Alzheimer's disease can exhibit symptoms of depression early by
The problem is whether there is a cause of senile dementia or depression caused by Alzheimer's disease is not sure, only know that early Alzheimer's disease can be manifested as depression symptoms