The cause low back pain
Low back pain is the most common in the elderly due to degenerative osteoarthritis by aging due to age or NCT previously injured (occupational, sports, accidents .. .), or NCT has been there in urologic pathology (stones, tumors, renal tuberculosis ...), diseases of the stomach (ulcers, tumors ...). In it, caused by degeneration of the lumbar spine by age or by a herniated disk (either alone or as a combination of both) is more important. Herniated disc is the state of human mucous disc spinal escape normal position in the fiber compression on spinal nerve roots or the living. In addition, disc herniation may be due to the structure of the tube life. Most adults with spinal canal but rounder, who has a lower tube-shaped leaf life easily herniated disc than when the mechanical action (waiter loads posture). The percentage of men was higher disc herniation rate of women (men over 80%) and especially in the subjects of manual labor, heavy lifting, sitting, standing for long periods. NCT disc herniation can also due to osteoporosis or have degenerated lumbar spine or intervertebral disc degeneration or both (moderate degenerative lumbar spine degenerative disc medium). Degenerative lumbar spine disc degeneration and the majority is due to physiological degeneration (over the years, as many years, the rate of degenerative lumbar spine disc degeneration and higher). In addition, the pain of urinary stones (nephrolithiasis, ureteral stones), kidney disease (inflammation, tumors, tuberculosis, fluid, pus ...) shown immediately in the lower back. Stomach pain or dull, persistent or acute attack sometimes radiate to the lower back pain lumbar strain, especially the elderly. Herniated disc occurs causing acute severe pain symptoms Angina can be acute back pain or soreness lasting (chronic). Low back pain usually occurs in the lower back position is between 2 1/3 iliac spines. Pain can position in the center of the lumbar spine or lumbar spine sides. Depending on the extent of the spread of diseases that are different. Acute back pain, occurs suddenly due to mechanical impact as a waiter instantly posture heavy objects (concrete bowl, bucket of water, bring heavy loads or tripping posture ...) cause muscle contraction or acute lumbar disc herniation or hard labor grant excessive or renal colic due to stones, acute inflammation, hydronephrosis, pus ... acute disc herniation occurs causing severe pain, very difficult to move or even move to lie still in a position. Herniated disc can occur when sitting working posture for too long due to stoop or bend too long a time (although bent stoop to work not too heavy). Herniated disk acute lumbar spine if not cure, has turned into a chronic risk. Herniated disk chronic lumbar spine may have recurrent acute exacerbation due to certain favorable conditions, especially the mechanical action. Degenerative lumbar spine by age for low back pain acute or chronic diseases due to other causes (kidney, stomach, gallbladder ...) when addressing all causes, illness pain, low back pain also terminated. Complications of low back pain in the elderly, if mild affecting everyday activities (stand up, sit down, turn around difficult ...), if by disc herniation can cause nerve pain is long, causing muscle atrophy gradually thighs, legs affect students daily (bowel disorder), severe sequelae (paralysis). can treatment principle is to treat pain and treat the cause. The most difficult is the treatment of pain due to degenerative lumbar spine, especially herniated disk. So, need a break, a relaxant, analgesic, for treatment as directed by the therapist joints. Want to do good things, when low back pain should see a doctor to determine the cause, especially acute disc herniation should be treated early, the right expertise. Absolutely not recommended for people who have no medical expertise treat yourself to any kind (pulling, bending, lumbar trampled ...).
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