Đúng như câu nói “Não của trẻ em là một nơi chứa đựng nhiều thần bí, dường như đây là nơi duy nhất trên đời thông tin không bao giờ đầy. Ta đưa vào đó bao nhiêu, nó sẽ tiếp nhận bấy nhiêu” – Glen Door.
True to the saying "children's Brain is a place contains many mystical, it seems this is the only place in the world of information is never full. We put into it, how much it will receive much "-Glen Door.
Like the saying, "The brains of children is a mystical contains, apparently this is the only place in the world of information is never complete. What we put into it, it will receive this much "- Glen Door.
Just as "the child's brain is one that contains a lot of mysterious places, it seems that this is the only place where the information in the world is incomplete. How much we take, it will accept these" - Glen doors.