Cả thế giới đang lo âu về nạn AIDS, chưa tìm ra giải pháp thì lại xuất hiện nạn thuốc lá. Có thể nó rằng bên cạnh các tệ nạn khác, thuốc lá đã gây ra tác hại rất lớn đối với đời sống con người.
The whole world is anxious about AIDS victims, has not yet found the solution it appears accidental. Maybe it's that next to other vices, smoking has caused great harm to human life.
The whole world is worried about AIDS victims, has not found a solution, then reappears tobacco victims. Maybe it's that next to other evils, tobacco has caused great harm to human life.
The world is worried about the victims of AIDS, did not find a solution, there is an accident of cigarettes. It can be said next to the evils of tobacco cause a very big impact on life.