Tổng sản phẩm trong nước (GDP) năm 2004 ước tính tăng 5,98% so với năm 2013, trong đó quý I tăng 5,06%, quý II tăng 5,34%, quý III tăng 6,07%, quý IV tăng 6,69%.
Gross domestic product (GDP) in 2004 estimated to rise 5.98 percent from 2013, in which the first quarter increase 5.06%, 5.34% increase in the second quarter, the third quarter increase of 6.07%, the fourth quarter increased 6.69%.
Total domestic product (GDP) in 2004 rose 5.98% estimates compared to 2013, while the first quarter rose 5.06%, 5.34% the second quarter increase, the third quarter rose 6.07%, the fourth quarter rose 6.69%.