Burrito có phần vỏ là bánh bột ngô Tortilla và phần bên trong là thịt bò, gà hoặc heo. Phần vỏ bánh ngô thường có màu ngà truyền thống hoặc màu xanh, vàng hay đỏ
Burrito shell is part of cake corn flour Tortilla and the inner part is beef, chicken or pork. The corn bread crust section usually have a traditional blue or ivory color, yellow or red
Burrito with corn tortilla shells as Tortilla and the inside is beef, chicken or pork. Tortilla shells often have traditional ivory or blue, yellow or red
Some burrito Mexico pancake Griddle Cake skin, which is beef, chicken or pork. The part of the corn skin is usually traditional ivory or blue, yellow or red.