Người Hàn Quốc thân thiện, họ thật sự là những người bạn của thế giới.Tôi rất ấn tượng khi lần đầu tiên gặp thầy giáo, thầy đã cúi đầu chào chúng tôi. Ở Việt Nam chúng tôi chỉ vẫy tay chào thầy giáo. Chúng tôi rất yêu quý thầy.
The Korean people are friendly, they really are the people of the world. I was very impressed when I first met the teacher, the teacher has to bow greeting us. In Vietnam we just waving the teacher. We love you, coach.
Korean people friendly, they really were friends of the gioi.Toi very impressed when he first met the teacher, he has bowed to us. In Vietnam we just waved his teacher. We loved him.