they are in the classroom we are in the classroom khoa hoc dia ly sleep this is go to we the way school this is the way we go to school this is go to the way we school yes they are yes there are check notebook. di bo
they are in the classroomWe are in the classroomscientificDIA lysleepThis is the way we go to schoolThis is the way we go to schoolThis is the way we go to schoolYes they areYes there arechecknotebook.di bo
They are in the classroom in the classroom We Are Science geographical sleep chúng this is the way go to school this is the way we go to school this way is go to school chúng chúng yes yes there are check notebook. walk
They are in class.We are in class.scienceDia cupSleepingThis is our way to school.This is our way to school.This is our way to school.Yes, they are.Yes you areinspectThe notebook ".Forward wave