Ada Lovelace was the poet of Lord Byron . She was taught by Marre Somerville , a well- known reseacher and scientific author , who introduced her to Charles Bannage in June 1833. Babbage was an English mathematician , who first had the idea for a programmable computer. In 1842 and 1843 , Ada translated the work of an Italian mathematician Luigi Menabrea ,on Babbage's Analytical engine . Though mechanial , this machine was an imortant step in the history of computers ; it was the design of a mechanical general- purpose computer. Babbage worked on it for many years until his death in 1871 . However , because of financial , political , and legal issues , the engine was never built . The design of the machine was very modern; it anticipated the first completed general- purpose computers by about 100 years. When Ada translated the article , She addde a set of notes which specified in complete detail a method for calculating cartain numbers with the analytical Enhine , which have since been recognized by histprians as the world's first computer program . She also saw possibilities in it that babbage hadn't : she realized that the
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