Từ lập luận ở trên, doanh nghiệp sẽ ngừng sản xuất khi P < AVC. Dĩ nhiên, doanh nghiệp sẽ rút lui khỏi ngành khi bị lỗ trong dài hạn (lưu ý rằng không có chi phí cố định trong dài hạn).
From the arguments above, the business will stop producing when < P AVC. Of course, businesseswill withdraw from the industry when the hole in the long term (note that there is no fixed cost in the longterm).
From the above reasoning, businesses will stop production when P <AVC. Of course, businesses will withdraw from the sector in the long term at a loss (note that there are no fixed costs in the long term).
Theoretically, when an enterprise stops production, P < avc. Of course, businessTo exit the industry long been holes (note that there is no fixed cost in the longLimit).