The below two items will be sent to you afternoon by RAF, and please advise us the shipping methode of PO#PN-20160513-3211(16-UAR-2502) and PN-20160513-3219(16-UAR-2601), thank you!
The below two items will be sent to you by afternoon, RAF, and please advise us the shipping methode of PO # PN-20160513-3211 (16-UAR-2502)and PN-20160513-3219 (16-UAR-2601), thank you!
The below two items sent to you Will Be afternoon by the RAF, and please Advise us the shipping methode of PO # PN-20160513-3211 (16-UAR-2502) and PN-20160513-3219 (16-UAR-2601), thank you!