Bởi vì đơn giản là bạn còn phải giành thời gian cho rất nhiều việc khác như học hành, làm thêm… Có không ít bạn sinh viên khóc dở mếu dở vì bị học lại nhiều môn chỉ vì tham gia 3 CLB cùng một lúc.
Because you simply have to win time for lots of other things like education, do more ... There are not a few students crying unfinished mếu unfinished because more school subjects just because three TEAMS at the same time.
Because you simply have to win a lot of time for other things like education, do more ... There are many students was half crying because relearn many subjects participated in 3 club only because at the same time.
Because you are not a simple time as much work, let more students have a lot of tears, because the school was more bad, 3 pie to join the club, because at the same time.