không hiểu sao mà trong lòng cứ vui. sáng sớm cầm truyện đọc mà cười chịu không nổi luôn, thật là vi diệu, tôi ngồi suy nghĩ, nghĩ cái gì, mà thôi quên đi, làm việc khác, đi phơi đồ, hôm nay nhiều đồ.
don't know why that in for fun. early bird series read that laughter can't stand, it was always marvelous micro, I sat thinking, think of something, forget it, that other work, go to asbestosis, today many map.
somehow that inside themselves happy. Early morning bird story can not stand to read that smile always, it was wonderful, I sat thinking, thinking something, but forget it, do something else, go hang, today many items.