Hôm nay, sinh nhật một ông già. Cũng được một năm chúng ta biết nhau, tuy em rất ghét anh nhưng em chúc anh luôn may mắn, luôn khoẻ mạnh và có một người bên cạnh. Đừng ăn quá nhiều sẽ mập , bây giờ anh là một con heo xấu xí. Huhuuuu
Today, an old man's birthday. Also be a year we know each other, but I really hate you but I wish you luck, healthy and always have someone on the side. Don't eat too much fat, now he is a ugly pig. Huhuuuu
Today, an old man's birthday. It was a year we know each other, but I really hate you but I always wish him luck, stay healthy and have a neighbor. Do not eat too much fat, now he is an ugly pig. Huhuuuu
Today, an old man's birthday. This year we know, although I hate you, but I wish you good luck, health and have a person around you. Don't eat too much will be fat, you are now an ugly pig. Huhuuuu