máy dập vào tay. Hậu quả: bị dập vào ngón trỏ, nát 1 đốt rưỡi. Anh ấy đưa tay xuống dưới thấp. Anh Thanh đã hướng dẫn cách sử dụng máy. Máy dập vào tay. anh ấy đã biết sử dụng máy
punch in the arm. Consequences: put on your thumb, crushed 1 burn and a half. He put his hand down low. He had instructions on how to use the machine. Punch in the arm. He was known to use the
the press on hand. Consequences: damaged on forefinger, crushed 1 and a half burned. He put his hand down low. Anh Thanh has instructions on how to use the machine. The press on hand. he knows how to use the machine