Tôi xin lỗi bạn. Tôi chỉ nghĩ đó là điều thú vị ( sau khi tôi đi khỏi bạn vẫn phải bận tâm về tôi) Bạn từng nói tôi bị điên toàn phân. Có lẽ thế. Ít nhất hôm nay tôi đã phá đueợc giấc ngủ của bạn!
I apologize to you. I just think it's interesting (after I left you still have to worry about me) You said I was crazy the whole segment. Perhaps the world. At least today I broke the đueợc your sleep!
I'm sorry. I just thought it was interesting (after I left you still have to worry about me) You once said I was crazy the whole division. Maybe. At least today I broke dueoc your sleep!