Bắc chảo lên bếp, cho 2 muỗng dầu vào. Khi dầu nóng, bạn cho thịt vào xào, tiếp đến cho tôm , nấm hương, xào đều cho chín. Nêm ½ thìa bột nêm rồi cho tôm thịt ra chén.
North Pan onto the stove, 2 tablespoons of the oil in. When the oil is hot, stir-fry meat for you, next up for the shrimp, shiitake mushrooms, FRY for nine. ½ spoonful of wedge seasoning and shrimp out of the Cup.
North pan on stove, 2 tablespoons oil into. When the oil is hot, fry the meat you, followed by shrimp, mushrooms, fried evenly cooked. Season with ½ tablespoon seasoning salt and a cup of shrimp meat.
The pot in the kitchen, 2 tablespoon oil, heat oil, fry the meat to a friend, and then to the shrimp, letinous edodes, saute for nine tablespoons of flour wedge to the shrimp meat wedges.