như tôi đã có báo cáo trước đó, tôi đã khảo sát giá thị trường thuê xe nâng như sau: giá thuê 7 ngày là 7.000.000 vnd, chưa tính thuế VAT bên cho thuê chịu hoàn toàn chi phí vận chuyển
as I have reported previously, I've surveyed forklift rental market price as follows: 7-day rental price is 7 million USD, not yet calculated VATlessor to bear fully the cost of shipping
as I have reported previously, I have examined forklift rental market prices as follows: 7 days rental price is VND 7,000,000, excluding VAT solely lessor shipping costs
Before my report, I investigated the market price of rental forklifts are as follows:Rent is vnd 7.000.000 7 days, does not include VATThe lessor bear all transportation costs