ĐƠN XIN VIỆCAPPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT Vị trí: Human Resources   dịch - ĐƠN XIN VIỆCAPPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT Vị trí: Human Resources   Anh làm thế nào để nói



Vị trí: Human Resources
Position applied for

Họ và tên (Full name): VŨ THỊ HIỀN E-mail: hienvt.k3c@gmail.com

Ngày sinh (DOB): 10/10/1990 Nơi sinh (POB): Thanh Hoa Province Nam (Male):  Nữ (Female): 
Tôn giáo (Religion): No Dân tộc (Ethnic): Kinh CMND (ID Card): 173520401
Quê quán (Native Village): Thai Hoa commune, Trieu Son District, Thanh Hoa Province

Hộ khẩu thường trú (Permanent Address): Thai Hoa commune, Trieu Son District, Thanh Hoa Province

Địa chỉ liên lạc (Contacted Address): 194/41/22 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, group 6, neighborhood 8, Phu Hoa ward, Thu Dau Mot city, Binh Duong Pravince.

Điện thoại (Phone): 0120.2222.986 Vietcombank ATM account: No 0031000950446.
Tình trạng gia đình (Family status): Độc thân(S):  Có gia đình(M):  Ly dị(D):  Góa(W): 

Trình độ văn hóa
Study level Năm tốt nghiệp
Year graduated Tên trường
School name Trình độ chuyên môn
Knowledge level
(ghi rõ trình độ và ngành học) Công việc xin làm
Job application
Đại học
University 2014 Tra Vinh University Bachelor of Accounting Human Resources

Trình độ ngoại ngữ
Language skill Bằng cấp
Certificate level Ngày cấp
Issued date Nơi cấp
Issued place khả năng sử dụng vi tính
Computer skill
Tiếng Anh (English) X 07/11/2013 Tra Vinh University  Word  Autocad
Tiếng Pháp (French)  Excel  Foxpro
Tiếng Hoa (Chinese) Access  Corel Draw
Tiềng Nhật (Japanese)  E-mail  Powerpoint
Khác (Other)  Other:

Lương thực lĩnh hàng tháng hiện nay:
Current salary: VND: 6.200.000 Lương thực lĩnh hàng tháng mong muốn:
Expected salary: VND: Thỏa thuận
Thời gian có thể bắt đầu làm việc (Available for work?)
 1 tuần/week  2 tuần/weeks  3 tuần/weeks  1 tháng/month  2 tháng/months  3 tháng/months

Xin liệt kê các nơi làm việc hiện nay và trước đây (please list the most recent or present employer first)
11/2009 Đến/To: (tháng/năm)
12/2013 Tên công ty(Co.’s name):
Tra Hung Thinh
Chức vụ (Position)
Điạ chỉ công ty (Co. add): Quốc tịch công ty (Co. nat.): Tên và chức vụ người trực tiếp phụ trách (Name & Position of the leader)
30 Cau Dat Street,Ngo Quyen District, Hai Phong city Vietnam Ms.Pham Thi Trinh .
Nhiệm vụ và trách nhiệm trong công việc (xin ghi đầy đủ chi tiết)(Write all of your functions and responsibilities)
- Timekeeping and Payroll for employees
- Take responsible in purchasing, receiptment, audit goods in stock, delivered good and manage document
- Manage all staff, push up and check their working process.

Lý do thôi việc(stop reason):
I want to work for professional firm that brings out my potential and offers challenges and rewards.

Mức lương khởi đầu:
Started salary Mức lương cuối cùng
End salary
VND 3.000.000 VND 5.200.000


Từ /From:
03/2014 Đến /To:
01/2015 Tên công ty (Co.’s name):
Viet Nam K.K Plastic Co.,ltd
Chức vụ (Position)
Điạ chỉ công ty(Company address): Quốc tịch công ty (Company nationality): Tên và chức vụ người trực tiếp phụ trách
(Name & Position of the leader)
2A, Dan Chu street, VSIP Industrial Zone 2, Hoa Phu Ward, Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong Pravince. Chinese Mr. Ding Jun.
Director General
Nhiệm vụ và trách nhiệm trong công việc (xin nghi đầy đủ chi tiết)
(Write all of your functions and responsibilities)
-Track, timekeeping, check, compare time and hours worked by employees.
-Set up monthly salary stable
-Updates, follow up, check out and do every labor regime of the whole company. .
- Reporting and finishing all the profile social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance, Sickness, Maternity ... for employees.
-Implement procedures for foreign workers as: Staying, Vissa, passport, work permits…
-Setting and sign contracts for employees
-Monthly make audit report for revenues and expenditures.
- Recruitment and choose appropriate candidates as company require.
-Solve some other matters relating to human resources part when arise
-Save and organize records of all employees.
-Handling a few other issues related to the HR department and requested by boss.

Lý do thôi việc (stop reason):
The work environment is not suitable.
I prefer working in a larger environment, more dynamic, more professional and advancement opportunities to have the ability to maximize the capability of itself.

Mức lương khởi đầu:
Started salary Mức lương cuối cùng
End salary
VND 5.500.000 VND 6.200.000

Đánh dấu 3 ô tiêu biểu cho lĩnh vực mà bạn cho là thích hợp nhất (Please select 3 suitable career areas)
 General Managerment
 Human Resources
 Manufacturing
 Engineering  Information Tecnhnology
 Administration
 Business Development
 Meterials and Werehouse  Finance and Accounting
 Marketing and Sales
 Quality Control
 Other: ………………………..
Bạn có thể sử dụng thiết bị văn phòng và máy móc kỹ thuật nào không? Which’s office equipment you could use?
 Fax  Telex  Photocopy  Switchboard
Other: .v.v.

Quan hệ
Relation Họ tên
Full name Năm sinh
DOB Nghề nghiệp
Job Điạc chỉ
Father Vu Ngoc Cap 1959 agriculture Thai Hoa commune, Trieu Son District, Thanh Hoa Province
Mother Le Thi Cuc 1959 agriculture Thai Hoa commune, Trieu Son District, Thanh Hoa Province
Sister Vu Thi Huong 1985 worker Kien An District , Hai Phong City
Brother Vu Trong Cuong 1982 worker Thai Hoa commune, Trieu Son District, Thanh Hoa Province
Brother Vu Trong Cao 1988 worker Phu HoaWard, Thu dau Mot City, Binh Duong Pravince
Brother Vu Ngoc Son 1993 student Phu HoaWard, Thu dau Mot City, Binh Duong Pravince

TỰ NHẬN XÉT BẢN THÂN (Ghi rõ chuyên ngành được đào tạo, khả năng chuyên môn, trình độ ngoại ngữ tin học)
SELF EVALUATION (Please specify your major, education level, language & computer skill)

-Bachelor of Accounting as major accounting business and confronting working experience, I have acknowledgement about: preparing the documents, set up the working time statement, salary statement.
- Making report ( dayly, monthly, quarterly, yearly).
- Making Import- Export- Stock summary. Follow up every revenues and expenditure for both cash and deposits.
- Set up the accounting balance as the statement to make a finame report, manage and perform as labor law.
- Influence in word, excel good as English communicate as B lever
- Good knowledge of English, confident in communication
- Strong interpersonal skill, hard-working, able to work in team and work independently
- Enthusiasm and sense of responsibility.
- Itself is dynamic , agile , sociable , careful , honest , able to work independently or in groups in the workplace pressure , with internal solidarity high.

Tôi xin cam đoan tất cả những lời khai trên là đúng sự thật và chính xác.
I declare that all information I have provided on this résumé is true and accurate.
Chữ ký ứng viên:
Signature of Applicant Họ tên:
Full name Ngày dự tuyển

Vu Thi Hien

Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
JOB APPLICATIONAPPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT Position: Human Resources Position applied forFull name (Full name): VU THI HIEN E-mail: hienvt.k3c@gmail.comDate of birth (DOB): 10/10/1990 place of birth (POB): Thanh Hoa Province (Male):  Male (Female): Religion (Religion): No peoples (Ethnic): ID CARD (ID Card): 173520401A native (Native Village): Thai Hoa commune, Trieu Son District, Thanh Hoa Province Permanent residence (Permanent Address): Thai Hoa commune, Trieu Son District, Thanh Hoa Province Contacts (Contacted Address): 194/41/23 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, group 6, neighborhood 8, Phu Hoa ward, Thu Dau Mot city, Binh Duong Pravince.Phone (Phone): 0120.2222.986 Vietcombank ATM account: No. 0031000950446.Family status (Family status): single (S):  have family (M): (D): divorce    Widow (W):The level of cultureStudy level In graduationYear graduated school nameSchool name qualificationKnowledge level(specify the level and field of study) The job please doJob applicationThe UniversityUniversity 2014 Tra Vinh University Bachelor of Accounting Human ResourcesForeign language proficiencyLanguage skill qualificationCertificate level on levelIssued date placeIssued place the ability to use computersComputer skill A B C English (English) X 07/11/2013 Tra Vinh University  Word  AutocadFrench (French)   Excel FoxproMandarin (Chinese)  Access  Corel DrawTiềng (Japanese)   E-mail PowerpointOther (Other)  Other:Current monthly food:Current salary: USD: 6,200,000 desired monthly food:Expected salary: USD: agreementTime can start working (Available for work?) 1 week/week/2 weeks    weeks weeks/3 weeks 1 month/month/months   2, 3 month/monthsTHE PROCESS WORKED (WORK EXPERIENCE)Please list your current and previous work place here (please list the most recent or present employer first)From/From: (month/year)November 13, 2009 to the/To: (month/year) 12/2013 company name (co. 's name):Look Up Hung Thinh Position (Position)PersonnelCompany address (co. add): corporate citizenship (Co. nat.): name and position of the person directly in charge (Name & Position of the leader) 30 Cau Dat Street, Ngo Quyen District, Hai Phong city, Vietnam Ms. Pham Thi Trinh. ManagerDuties and responsibilities of the job (please write full details) (Write all of your functions and responsibilities)-Timekeeping ... Eleven o'clock and Payroll for employees-Take responsible in purchasing, receiptment, audit goods in stock, delivered good and manage document-Manage all staff, push up and check their working process.The reason for retrenchment (stop reason):I want to work for professional firm that brings out my potential and offers challenges and rewards. Starting salary:Started final salary salaryEnd salary USD 3,000,000 USD 5,200,000********************************************************************************************************************From/From: (month/year) 03/2014 To/To:(month/year)01/2015 the company name (co. 's name):Viet Nam k. k. Plastic co., Ltd. Position (Position)Personnel Company address (Company address): the President Of the company (Company nationality): name and position of the person directly in charge of the (Name & Position of the leader)2A, Dan Chu street, Industrial Zone 2, VSIP United Phu Ward, Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong Pravince. Chinese Mr. Ding Jun. Director GeneralDuties and responsibilities of the job (please fully detail) (Write all of your functions and responsibilities)-Track, timekeeping ... Eleven o'clock, check, compare time and hours worked by employees.-Set up monthly salary stable-Updates, follow up, check out and do every labor regime of the whole company. .-Reporting and finishing all the profile, social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance, Sickness, Maternity ... for employees.-Implement procedures for foreign workers as: Staying, Vissa, passport, work permits ...-Setting and sign contracts for employees-Monthly audit report for revenues and expenditures of the make.-Recruitment and choose appropriate do as company require.-Solve some other matters relating to human resources part when arise-Save and organize records of all employees. -Handling a few other issues related to the HR department and requested by the boss.The reason for retrenchment (stop reason):The work environment is not suitable.I prefer working in a larger environment, more dynamic, more professional and advancement opportunities to have the ability to maximize the capability of itself. Starting salary:Started final salary salaryEnd salary USD 5,500,000 VND 6,200,0003 mark the box for the field that you believe is most appropriate (Please select 3 suitable career areas) General Managerment Human Resources Manufacturing  Engineering Information Tecnhnology Administration Business Development Meterials and Werehouse  Finance and Accounting Marketing and Sales Quality Control Other:.............................You can use Office equipment and machinery? Which's office equipment you could use? Fax Telex   Photocopying  SwitchboardOther: etc FAMILY TIES (FAMILY RELATIONSHIP)The relationsRelation nameFull name date of birthCareer-DOBJob Điạc onlyAddressFather Vu Ngoc Cap 1959 agriculture Thai Hoa commune, Trieu Son District, Thanh Hoa ProvinceMother of Le Thi Cuc 1959 agriculture Thai Hoa commune, Trieu Son District, Thanh Hoa ProvinceSister Vu Thi Huong 1985 worker Kien An District, Hai Phong CityBrother Vu In Cuong 1982 worker Thai Hoa commune, Trieu Son District, Thanh Hoa ProvinceBrother Vu High In 1988, HoaWard Lady worker dau Mot City, Binh Duong PravinceBrother Vu Ngoc Son 1993 student HoaWard, wife of the dau Mot City, Binh Duong PravinceTHINK of YOURSELF (clearly specialization are trained, professional ability, language school)SELF EVALUATION (Please specify your major, education level, language & computer skill)Education:-Bachelor of Accounting as major accounting business and creatures working experience, I have acknowledgement about: preparing the documents, set up the working time statement, salary statement. -Making report (dayly, monthly, quarterly, yearly). -Making Import-Export-Stock summary. Follow up every revenues and expenditure for both cash and deposits. -Set up the accounting balance as the statement to make a finame report, manage and perform as labor law. -Influence in word, excel, good as English communicate as B lever -Good knowledge of English, confident in communication -Strong interpersonal skill, hard-working, able to work in team and work independently -Enthusiasm and sense of responsibility. -Itself is dynamic, agile, sociable, careful, honest, able to work independently or in groups in the workplace pressure, with internal solidarity high.I assure all testimony on is true and accurate.I declare that all information I have provided on this résumé is true and accurate.Chữ ký ứng viên:Signature of Applicant Họ tên:Full name Ngày dự tuyểnDate: Vu Thi Hien
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