Tiền lãi vay tối thiểu đối với một khoản vay: 0,3% giá trị khoản vay (nếu thời gian vay quá ngắn dẫn đến tiền lãi vay thấp hơn 0,3% giá trị khoản vay thì thu theo mức tối thiểu bằng 0,3% giá trị khoản vay
Minimum loan interest for a loan: 0.3% of the loan value (if the borrowed time too short guide to the loan interest is lower than 0.3% of the loan value currency according to a minimum by 0.3% of the loan value
Minimum interest amount for a loan: 0.3% of the loan (if the loan period is too short lead to lower loan interest of 0.3% of the loan shall pay a minimum of 0, 3% of the loan