Bởi vì mọi người từ khi sinh ra, căn bản là họ đều mang trong mình những giấc mơ tuyệt vời. Đa só trong đó chưa biết cách thực hiện giấc mơ của họ. Họ ước mơ rất nhiều nhưng để phấn đấu đạt được ước muốn ấy thì chưa thực sự cố gắng.
Because every person from birth, the basis is that they are in themselves wonderful dreams. Most doctors don't know how to implement it in their dreams. They dream a lot but to strive to achieve her wish is not really trying.
Because people from birth, they are basically carrying the great dreams. The majority of which do not know how to make their dreams. They dream a lot, but to strive to achieve that desire is not really trying.
Because each person's birth, basically they have their own beautiful dream big belly do not know how to achieve their dreams. Many of their dreams, but to achieve the desire to struggle, there is no real attempt.