- Bên A thanh toán cho Bên B 100% giá trị hàng hóa thực nhận bằng tiền mặt hoặc chuyển khoản trong vòng 30 ngày (ba mươi ngày) sau mỗi đợt giao nhận hàng. Nếu thanh toán chậm, Bên A phải trả thêm lãi suất trả chậm theo mức lãi suất tín dụng quá hạn của Ngân Hàng Nhà Nước Việt Nam và Bên B có quyền ngưng cung cấp hàng cho Bên A.
-Party A pay for Party B 100% of the value of the goods actually received in cash or transfer within 30 days (thirty days) after each delivery. If slow payments, party A must pay more interest deferred under the credit interest rate of delinquent State Bank of Vietnam and party B has the right to discontinue offering goods for Party A.
-- Hàng tháng hai bên làm biên bản đối chiếu công nợ ghi rõ số tiền hàng Bên mua còn nợ Bên bán. Biên bản đối chiếu công nợ phải được hai bên ký xác nhận chậm nhất vào ngày 10 hàng tháng. Bên bán có quyền ngưng cung cấp hàng trong các trường hợp sau: :
+ Bên mua không ký biên bản xác nhận công nợ hàng tháng.
+ Bên mua không thanh toán đúng thời hạn.

-Every month both Parties made a collation of public debt clearly the amount of the goods Buyer still owes the Seller . The collation of public debt shall be signing confirmed by both Parties at at the latest on tenth monthly. The seller has the right to discontinue providing the goods in the following circumstances:
- The buyer does not sign the report confirming the debt monthly
+ The buyer does not pay on time
4.1 Trách nhiệm của Bên A
- Thanh toán đầy đủ tiền cho Bên B đúng hạn và đúng giá trị hàng hoá đã giao theo qui định trong Điều 2.
- Cử nhân viên giao nhận có trách nhiệm kiểm tra và ký nhận các chứng từ giao nhận hàng hóa kịp thời theo đúng số lượng, chất lượng thực tế.
- Thông báo cụ thể về công trình thi công như: tiến độ và tình hình đường xá đến công trình cho Bên B biết, để chủ động việc giao hàng cho Bên A.
- Tổ chức bốc dỡ kịp thời khi xe chở hàng của Bên B đến giao hàng. Nếu chậm quá 02 ngày kể từ khi bên B giao hàng đến công trường, Bên A phải chịu chi phí phát sinh do lưu xe.
- Nếu bên A không tiếp nhận hàng hoá đã đúng về số lượng, chất lượng theo quy cách được qui định trong hợp đồng mua bán thì phạt 2% giá trị hàng hoá cho 10 ngày chậm trễ đầu tiên, phạt thêm 5% cho mỗi đơt 10 ngày tiếp theo. Tổng số tiền phạt không quá 10% giá trị hợp đồng đã hoàn thành.
Article 3: RESPONSIBILITIES of Both Parties
4.1 responsibilities of party A
--Full payment of money for Party B on time and properly value goods were delivered hereafter in article 2
-- Electing the delivery staff has the responsibility to check and sign the proof of delivery on time following correct number , real quality
-Specific announcements about construction as: progress and the situation of roads to the work for the Party B to know, to actively deliveries to Party A.
- organization unloading on time when the cargo of Party B to delivery. If too slow 2 days after delivery to the B side, A Partyshall bear the costs incurred by storing the vehicle.
-If A party does not accept the goods was right about the number, according to quality are specified Herein , the penalty of 2% of the value of goods on the first delays for 10, 5% penalty for each round the next 10 days. Total fines not exceeding 10% of the value of the contract was completed.-
-4. 2 Trách nhiệm của Bên B
- Cung cấp thép xây dựng tới công trường cho Bên A đúng thời gian, đúng số lượng, đúng chất lượng, chủng loại theo yêu cầu của Bên A. Trong trường hợp bên B không giao hàng đúng thời gian quy định trong hợp đồng này thì bên B trả cho bên A khoản tiền phạt là 0.5% gía trị hàng hoá cho mỗi ngày chậm trễ. Tổng số tiền phạt không quá 10% giá trị hợp đồng.
- Bên B cung cấp cho Bên A phiếu kiểm tra chất lượng sản phẩm khi giao hàng và hoá đơn trước khi Bên A thanh toán.
- Nếu bên B giao hàng không đúng chất lượng, quy cách hàng hoá quy định trong hợp đồng thì bên A có quyền từ chối nhận hàng. Bên B phải giao lô hàng khác theo đúng chất lượng và quy cach đã quy định, nếu việc đổi hàng này chậm trễ gây ra thiệt hại cho bên A thì bên B phải chịu các chi phí thiệt hại cho bên A.
- Bên B có quyền ngưng cung cấp hàng trong trường hợp Bên A không thực hiện đúng điều khoản thanh toán qui định tại Điều 2.

- the responsibilities of Party B
--Providing steel building to the roadwork for party A right time, number , quality, type according to the requirements of party A. In case Party B does not deliver in right time specified herein , the parties B pay party A the fine is 0.5% of the values of the goods for each day of delay. Total fines not exceeding 10% of the contract value.

--Party B gives Party A the votes to check product quality when delivered and the invoice before party A pay ment
--If Party B delivers incorrect quality goods , specification of the goods specified herein , the party A has the right to refuse returns. Party shall deliver other shipments therefor , if this delays changes caused damages to party A party B shall bear the costs of damage to A party.
--Party B has the right to discontinue providing goods in case Party A does not carry out the correct payment terms defined in article 2.
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TRANSLATION2 Article 2: PAYMENT METHODArticle 2: PAYMENT METHOD-Party A Party B for payment of 100% of the value of the goods actually received in cash or transfer within 30 days (thirty days) after each delivery. If slow payments, party A must pay more interest deferred under the credit interest rate of delinquent State Bank of Vietnam and party B has the right to discontinue offering goods for A Party.-Party A Party B pay for 100% of the value of the goods actually received in cash or transfer within 30 days (thirty days) after each delivery. If slow payments, party A must pay more interest deferred under the credit interest rate of delinquent State Bank of Vietnam and party B has the right to discontinue offering goods for A Party.--The two sides do monthly minutes of the collation specified debt amount owed the buyer goods the seller. The minutes of the collation of the debt must be confirmed at the latest, the two sides signed on November 10 monthly. The seller has the right to discontinue the supply in the following circumstances: + The buyer does not sign the minutes confirmed the monthly debt.+ The buyer does not pay on time.-Every month both Parties made a collation of public debt clearly the amount of the goods Buyer still owes the Seller. The collation of public debt shall be signing confirmed by both Parties at the at the latest on tenth monthly. The seller has the right to discontinue providing the goods in the following circumstances:-The buyer does not sign the report confirming the debt monthly+ The buyer does not pay on time-Article 3: RESPONSIBILITIES of the TWO PARTIES4.1 responsibilities of party A -Full payment of money for Party B on time and properly value goods were delivered as defined in article 2.-Bachelor Affairs accepted the responsibility to check and sign the proof of timely delivery in the correct amount, actual quality.-Specific announcements about construction as: progress and the situation of roads to the work for the B Side to know, to proactively deliveries for A Party.-The Organization promptly unloaded cargo when the car of Party B to delivery. If too slow 2 days after delivery to the B side, A Party must bear the costs incurred by storing the vehicle.-If A party does not accept the goods was right about the number, according to quality are specified in the purchase contract, the penalty of 2% of the value of goods on the first delays for 10, 5% penalty for each đơt the next 10 days. Total fines not exceeding 10% of the value of the contract was completed.- Article 3: RESPONSIBILITIES of Both Parties4.1 responsibilities of party A-Full payment of money for Party B on time and properly value goods were delivered hereafter in article 2--Electing the delivery staff has the responsibility to check and sign the proof of delivery on time following correct number, real quality -Specific announcements about construction as: progress and the situation of roads to the work for the Party B to know, to actively deliveries to Party a.-organization after unloading on time when the cargo of Party B to delivery. If too slow 2 days after delivery to the B side, A Partyshall bear the costs incurred by storing the vehicle.--If A party does not accept the goods was right about the number, according to quality are specified Herein, the penalty of 2% of the value of goods on the first delays for 10, 5% penalty for each round the next 10 days. Total fines not exceeding 10% of the value of the contract was completed.-4. 2 the responsibilities of Party B- Cung cấp thép xây dựng tới công trường cho Bên A đúng thời gian, đúng số lượng, đúng chất lượng, chủng loại theo yêu cầu của Bên A. Trong trường hợp bên B không giao hàng đúng thời gian quy định trong hợp đồng này thì bên B trả cho bên A khoản tiền phạt là 0.5% gía trị hàng hoá cho mỗi ngày chậm trễ. Tổng số tiền phạt không quá 10% giá trị hợp đồng.- Bên B cung cấp cho Bên A phiếu kiểm tra chất lượng sản phẩm khi giao hàng và hoá đơn trước khi Bên A thanh toán.- Nếu bên B giao hàng không đúng chất lượng, quy cách hàng hoá quy định trong hợp đồng thì bên A có quyền từ chối nhận hàng. Bên B phải giao lô hàng khác theo đúng chất lượng và quy cach đã quy định, nếu việc đổi hàng này chậm trễ gây ra thiệt hại cho bên A thì bên B phải chịu các chi phí thiệt hại cho bên A.- Bên B có quyền ngưng cung cấp hàng trong trường hợp Bên A không thực hiện đúng điều khoản thanh toán qui định tại Điều 2.- the responsibilities of Party B--Providing steel building to the roadwork for party A right time, number , quality, type according to the requirements of party A. In case Party B does not deliver in right time specified herein , the parties B pay party A the fine is 0.5% of the values of the goods for each day of delay. Total fines not exceeding 10% of the contract value.--Party B gives A Party the votes to check product quality when delivered and the invoice before party A pay ment --If Party B delivers quality goods, incorrect specification of the goods specified herein, the party A has the right to refuse returns. Party shall deliver other shipments therefor, if this delays changes caused damages to party A party B shall bear the costs of damage to A party.--Party B has the right to discontinue providing goods in case A Party does not carry out the correct payment terms defined in article 2.
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Article 2: PAYMENT
- Party A to Party B paying 100% of the value of goods actually received in cash or bank transfer within 30 days (thirty days) after each delivery . If payment is delayed, Party A must pay interest on deferred payment at the interest rate of overdue credit of the State Bank of Vietnam and Party B has the right to stop providing goods to Party A.
Party B pay for -Party A 100 % of the value of the Goods Actually received cash or transfer print trong 30 days (thirty days) after each delivery. If slow payments, party A must pay more interest under the credit deferred interest rate of delinquent State Bank of Vietnam and party B has the right to discontinue offering Goods for Party A.
- Monthly either side comparison reports as recorded liabilities specify the amount owed ​​row BUYER SELLER. Minutes for the debts by both parties confirm the latest on the 10th of every month. The seller has the right to stop providing goods in the following cases::
+ The buyer refuses to sign the minutes of the monthly debt validation.
+ The buyer does not pay on time. -Every month made ​​a collation of Parties cả public debt Clearly the amount of the Goods Buyer still owes the Seller. The collation of public debt shall only be signing cả Confirmed by Parties at the tenth monthly at những on. The seller has the right to discontinue Providing the Goods in the sau Circumstances: - The buyer does not sign the report confirming the monthly debt + The buyer không pay on time -This 3: RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES 4.1 Responsibilities of Party A - Full payment to Party B on time and to the value of goods delivered as prescribed in Article 2 - Bachelor of delivery may be responsible for checking and signing of documents timely delivery of goods under right quantity, quality practice. - Notification of specific construction projects such as: the progress and status of the roads to work for Party B, to proactive delivery to Party A. - Organize loading timely unloading freight cars of Party B to delivery. If slower than 02 days after the delivery to site B, Party A shall bear the costs incurred by saving car. - If Party A does not receive the goods were right about the quantity and quality specifications are set for in the contract of sale shall be fined 2% of the value of goods for the first 10 days of delay, penalty of 5% for each period of 10 days. Total fines not exceeding 10% of the contract has been completed. - Article 3: Responsibilities of Both Parties 4.1 Responsibilities of party A payment of money for --Full Party B on time and đúng value Were Delivered Goods Hereafter print article 2 - Electing the delivery staff to check có Responsibility and sign the proof of delivery on time sau correct number, real quality -Specific Announcements about construction as: progress and the situation of roads to the work for the Party B to know, to actively Deliveries to Party A. - organization khi unloading cargo on time to delivery of Party B. If too slow 2 days after delivery to the B side, A bear the Costs incurred Partyshall by storing the vehicle. - -If A party does not accept the Goods was right about the number, quality theo are rõ Herein, the penalty of 2 % of the value of Goods on the first all delays for 10, 5% penalty for each round the next 10 days. Total fines not exceeding 10% of the value of the contract was completed.- -4. 2 Responsibilities of Party B - Provides construction steel to the site to Party A on time, right quantity, right quality and types required by Party A. In case party B does not deliver on time specified in this contract, Party B pays party A fine of 0.5% of goods value for each day of delay. Total fines not exceeding 10% of the contract value. - Party B will provide Party A stock check product quality on delivery and invoice before payment Party A. - If the B deliveries, quality quantity and specifications of the goods specified in the contract, Party A has the right to reject the goods. Party B must deliver another shipment under strict quality and specifications stipulated, if this barter delay caused damages to Party A, Party B shall bear the cost of any damage to the A. - Party B the right to stop providing goods in case Party A fails to comply with the payment terms specified in Article 2 - the Responsibilities of Party B --Providing steel building roadwork for party A to the right time, number, quality, type theo to the requirements of party A. In case Party B does not deliver printed right time rõ Herein, the parties pay party B the fine is 0.5% A of the values ​​of the Goods for each day of delay. Total fines not exceeding 10% of the contract value. --Party B Gives Party A the votes to check product quality and the invoice khi Delivered pay ment the before party A Party B --If Delivers Goods incorrect quality, specification of the Goods rõ Herein , the party has the right to refuse A returns. Other Party shall only deliver shipments therefor, if this changes all delays caused Damages A party to party B shall only bear the Costs of damage to a party. --Party B has the right to discontinue printing Goods Providing Party A does not carry case out the correct payment print article 2 defined terms.

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