kế hoạch có thay đổi. Vui lòng tách đôi các chuyến hàng Thiosulphate. Vui lòng giao hàng 1FCL/2 tuần. Vậy, vui lòng gửi cho chúng tôi hợp đồng 1FCL và sắp xếp giao hàng theo kế hoạch. Cảm ơn. Chúng tôi đã thanh toán cho bạn hôm qua.
the plan has changed. Please split double shipments of Thiosulphate. Please 1FCL/2 weeks delivery. So, please send us the 1FCL contract and arrange delivery according to plan. Thank.We've paid for you yesterday.
plans have changed. Please split shipments thiosulphate. Please delivery 1FCL / 2 weeks. So, please send us a contract and arrange delivery 1FCL planned. Thank you. We've paid for you yesterday.