Bằng công việc tình nguyện, bạn sẽ mang lại niềm vui và hạnh phúc cho những người khác và rất có thể công sức mà bạn đóng góp sẽ giúp thay đổi hoàn toàn cuộc đời của những người mà trước đây còn xa lạ với bạn.
By volunteering, you will bring joy and happiness to others and so can work without your contributions will help to change completely the life of those that were previously familiar with you.
By volunteering, you will bring joy and happiness to others and can greatly contribute to efforts that will help you to completely change the lives of those that were previously unfamiliar to you.
Through volunteer work, you will bring joy and happiness to the people, and it is likely that you will try to help your contribution completely change people's lives in this unfamiliar friend.