Bạn có nhắc đến rằng đã có một số nghiên cứu dựa trên axit nucleic, tôi nghĩ bạn nên viết thêm xem đó là những nghiên cứu nào, đã được thử nghiệm lâm sàng hay chưa và kết quả cho thấy điều gì
You mentioned that there have been some studies based on nucleic acids, I think you should write more about which studies they are, whether they have been clinically tested or not and what the results show.
You mentioned some nucleic acid based research, and I think you should write more about which studies, whether clinical trials have been conducted, and what the results indicate.
You mentioned that there have been some studies based on nucleic acids, and I think you should write them down to see what these studies are, whether there are clinical trials and what the results show.