One more season left on, the season of love, the season of hope, season of red phoenix wings filling the air and also the season of separation, to the teen entered a major test, a turning point of his life. This is an opportunity for us to give each other words of love or the most lucky to light up the pleasure, hope to all the relatives, friends, colleagues, ... for this year's exam day so much lucky
View more: four-leaf clover gift cards fortunate relatives donated
paintings by doing this, you can easily create one beautiful picture luck to donate it!
- 1 piece of wood shaped square
- 1 ball of blue (or green wool rolls)
- paper
- Scissors
- Nails, pen
Step 1:
- first you cut the paper into a heart-shaped 3 of the same size, set the 3 hearts on top 3 wooden surface shaped leaf grass, adhesive tape fixed. Note this, if you want to compete meaning luck, we need to cut 4 is lightweight!
Step 2:
- 3 Crucify heart-shaped borders. You note nailed just enough, not too deep, and all hands to the nails of equal height.
Step 3:
- After nailing done, you remove the layer of the sample paper.
Step 4:
- Coming knitting only, you hook only through the fan-shaped nails from the heart to the left then right to the middle of the heart.
- Then, perform a similar knitting for the remaining 2 heart-shaped grass-rendered 3 leaves.
Step 5:
- Finally, you crucified and knit zigzag shaped petioles as grass is finished already!
Just little tricky as you've got a picture of cute clover brings good luck and know !
this painting hung on the wall or decorations are beautiful both academic corner!
ahead of the most important exams of the students then, who are painstakingly Graduation exam review and then the University anymore.
please give to your loved ones meaningful handmade gift that is also very easy to do it this it this, it will bring good luck to all of you preparing to step into the important exam!
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