Hey :) Tôi vừa nhận được mail của bạn Tôi có thể làm quen với bạn không? Do tôi rất ít khi dùng e-mail nên bạn có thể nói chuyện với tôi qua Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nttuannn
Hey:) I have just received your mailI could get used to you? So I very seldom use e-mail so you can talk with me via Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/nttuannn
Hey :) I just received your mail I can be familiar to you? Because I rarely use e-mail, so you can talk to me via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nttuannn
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.I just got your mail.Can I know you? So I really don't use e-mail very much, so you can tell me through Facebook:Www.facebook.com nttuannn HTTPS:/ / /